HL x COFB Double Name Project

In the summer of 2016, a collaboration with CODE OF BELL, which was born in Los Angeles, USA, has appeared !!
CODE OF BELL was born as a bag that has the functions of "Carrywear ™", which is a size suitable for carrying around every day and a feeling of use that allows you to move it as if it were a part of your body. The silhouette and ease of use have steadily increased the number of fans in Japan.
From the brand "CODE OF BELL", which is gaining popularity in the United States, such as winning the Carryology bag award and body bag category, the belief of our top brand HARVEST LABEL is "consistent in-house production and manufacturing that sticks to Japanese products". This project was born from the fact that we received an offer with the sympathy of.
After a development period of XNUMX months since the start of this project, the functionality and design of COFB are kept as they are, and the original fabrics of the harvest label are fused and produced one by one at Made in Japan (Custom Osaka). It has been released as a limited edition.
A special collaboration between Japanese and American bag brands is born.
The first time it will be sold in advance only on the harvest label site for Japan.